You exercise an influence over your
fellows that seems incomprehensible...
...but is nevertheless undesirable
Now it seems that a boy hit by you
is in no state to attend school
What have you to say?
Belt up!
You heard!
Don't talk to me like that
I'll talk how I like
Do you realize how serious
your position is?
You make me puke!
Some pepper?
Schools cannot impose
a death penalty...
...so they sent Dargelos home
and took the head to hospital
He walked out, ignoring everyone
- Do you know his address?
- That sort never tell you
So it's all that's left of him.
Get the photograph
What's this? Delivering hats?
It's for you
How ghastly... I like it, I'd have
thought you too stupid for that
She hates violets
But they're fake; we'll put them
in water
Forget that freak; get Athalie
On Commemoration Day...
...the school had staged Athalie;
Dargelos took the title role
He looks like a tiger