Les Enfants terribles

You make me sick!
Likewise. And watch your tone
of voice

It's like Dad's, and he drank
and beat Mum

All fire and ice, shying clear
of the lukewarm...

...she was a thoroughbred,
and wanted Paul the same

Travelling by train for the first
time, deaf to the clickety-clack...

...this child intently devoured
the face of her brother...

...her manic intensity impinging
briefly on other passengers'dreams

You've not looked at the sea
You mind your own business
- I'm not sleeping in a bathroom
- I'm not sharing my room

You sleep here, I'll take the
bathroom. The hotels are full

Share my room?
You sort it out. Right now I'm
having a bath. So keep out

I ran that bath!
So, first no bed, then no bath
- Leave her alone, Paul!
- Oh you, Mister Big Heart!

- I'm getting in!
- Me first, then you can steal my bath

All settled in? Sorry, but they
may have another room soon

Your friends didn't sound pleased
Oh, but they are
