Les Enfants terribles

Greed like that is pretty low
From this scene...
...Gérard took in only one thing...
she used the familiar "tu"to him

Where's Mariette?
I sent her out for drinks
and sandwiches

How awful
Everything's awful
- Leave, then
- I intend to

I'll get a job; I'm sick of being
a maid. You do as you like

Ajob doing what?
Paul can do as he likes, Gérard;
he's hopeless, anyway

Isn't she sweet?
I have to think of myself. I'll find
myself a job... I have to

As an Aunt Sally, maybe
The poor boy's still sick
It's not his fault that a snowball
was enough to lay him low

- I'm saddled with an invalid, though
- You stinker!

He's the picture of health;
look at those shoulders

So what, when he's weak, greedy
and spineless?

And clumsy
Well you, in my opinion,
are a big mouth...

...of no use to anyone or anything
Gérard knows how lazy you are,
expecting me to do everything for you

Go on, then, I know just the job
for you

The oldest profession
- You went too far
- Stay

You see how things are?
Perhaps I could work for that
couturier your uncle knows
