This is the way we are;
you'll have to get used to it
Paul darling...
Is it her looking like that boy
that bothers you?
If you must know...
...it's because she's new here,
stops us playing our game
- We haven't played in ages
- That's your fault
- I had to go out to find work
- Precisely
Paul darling...
...let's play now
I play alone now
Listen... yes, listen
lmagine a vast temple,
the Temple of Destruction
Of fifty high priests,
four enter the inner sanctum...
...where thousands of slaves toil,
all sworn to silence
I don't know what you're on about or
what's happening to us. Let me sleep
Go to sleep then, darling
Introspection requires a discipline
of which they were incapable
They found only darkness
and the ghosts of feelings