Did he hit you hard?
He only scratched me.
What an asshole!
There was a nail
at the end of the stick.
It's deep!
Ask your mother to nurse you.
My mother?! If I go home,
she'll kill me.
Mine is a beast too.
That's why I left.
Nail pricks are bad.
Put a cobweb on it.
It's good against bleeding.
Pedro! Bring me one.
- I will.
- Hurry up!
With that, you get over it
or you lose your paw.
Is there a kind soul
to make me cross?
Who will have mercy
of a poor blind man?
Is there anybody to ...?
Why are you crying, my child?
My dad told me to wait here
and he doesn't come back.
He'll come back soon.
So, help me, Im blind.
You do have small eyes.
The less we are, the better.
You guys, wait.
We'll "thank" him all right.