Night and the City

- Well, where's he been?
- Now, now, Helen. Mustn't be unkind.

- The dear boy's been at death's door.
- Tsk-tsk-tsk.

I'm glad to see
you're fully recovered.

- We were worried about him, weren't we, Phil?
- Indeed we were.

It's getting late. Time for "dear boy"
to get dressed and hop it.

"Hop it."
Take care of yourself, dear boy.
Hey, Harry. Three live ones.
What's it worth to you?

- Depends on how much you know.
- Depends on how much you'll go.

From Chicago.
Men's clothing business.

One of them, the half-pint, kept talkin' about
a friend of his called Lamont he must write to.

This here Lamont's in the motor supply business
in something he called "the loop."

- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.

- The usual?
- If you please.

- It's good to have you back in London, sir.
- Thank you, Charles.

Good evening.
I beg your pardon. Does this wallet
belong to one of you gentlemen?

Why, no, it doesn't.
- Good evening, Mr. Fabian.
- Good evening, Emil.

Someone must have
dropped this.

- Soon come running for it, no doubt.
- Thank you, Mr. Fabian.

Happened to me once
back in the States.

Traveling from New York to San Francisco,
changed trains in Chicago.

- Darned if I don't lose my wallet.
- No!

Luckily I knew a chap in the loop -
motor supplies. Fella named Lamont.

- Lamont? Did you say Lamont?
- Why, yes.
