- You bet!
- Sure! You bet!
- Good night.
- Good night, Harry.
- Good night, gentlemen.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Break his neck, Strangler!
Come on, Strangler!
Pardon me. Does this wallet belong
to one of you gentlemen?
- I beg your pardon.
- Out.
- What do you mean? This is a public place.
- So's the morgue. Move.
Well, evidently
you don't know who I am.
Mr. Kristo don't like club touts
hustling suckers in his arena. Get out!
- Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!
- Gregorious!
- Gregorious!
- Let 'em hear! Pigs! Come on.
Why, that -
that's Gregorious!
- Who?
- Finest wrestler the worid's ever known.
Papa, please.
Where are you going?
Is it for this you brought me
from Athens? This circus?
What have you done to wrestling?
Do you think I'd permit Nikolas
to wrestle with such filth?
Now, now, now,
take it easy, old boy-
You do not talk like that
to my father. Get out!
For this I do not
thank you, my son.
Please, Papa,
listen to me.
You must understand
that times have changed.
Tastes, people -
everything changes.