Tomorrow morning
I'll take you and Nikolas to Liverpool.
I go back to Athens.
See here!
I demand my money!
How dare you call this
filthy exhibition wrestling?
- I beg your pardon.
- I demand my money back.
- Easy on. Easy on. Where's your ticket?
- It's right here.
I've never witnessed such a spectacle.
No, it can't be.
You're not Gregorious.
- Gregorious the Great.
- You see, Nikolas?
There are people
who do not forget great wrestling.
Forget? Forget the greatest wrestler
the worid has ever known?
I was just a kid, but how can one
ever forget your glorious struggle...
- with, uh, uh -
- Heiterschmidt?
Yes, of course! Heiterschmidt!
- I thank you, young man.
- I thank you, sir.
- My name is Harry Fabian.
- This is Nikolas.
- A fine-looking lad.
- Thanks.
Uh, do you suppose you could
pin a man like the Strangler, say?
- Yes.
- Oh.
pin 10 Stranglers...
all in same ring,
same time.
Well -Well, yes,
I should think he could!
I would consider it a great honor if you
and Nikolas would have a drink with me.
Mr. Fabian,
you're a fine young man. I like you.
We'll drink to your great contemporary,
Young man,
you are too charming.
- Very well, young man.
- Fine. Fine.
You know, I have
a strange feeling...
that our meeting tonight
is, uh -