Looking out for the day he'll turn his toes up
and leave the bundle to you.
He counts his quids
while you count the days...
sitting on his grave to keep it warm for him,
watching every penny just so -
What do you think
you're doing?
- How's Mary?
- You leave Mary alone. You hear me?
She's fine with me.
You married the boss. You moved on and up.
- But I think of you.
- Yeah, you certainly showed it tonight.
"Put 200 on that desk.
My husband'll match it."
Thank you, Mrs. Nosseross, no.
Good night.
Two hundred quid.
Now take it to Phil
and get his.
Helen, what - He never lets you
have a shilling. Where'd you get it?
Never mind.
Just listen closely and do as I tell you.
- Yeah, sure, Helen. Anything you say.
- Show that to Phil.
He'll give you the 200 quid
that I made him promise you.
Helen, you're a wonder, and no mistake!
You won't regret this!
I promise you. I promise you that.
I promise you.
Fabian Promotions.
Fabian Wrestling. It'll be -
- There'll be no wrestling.
- What?
- I've got a nightclub.
- What?
Yes, my own. Bought a year ago.
Flamenco's old club.
Flamenco's closed down.
- Struck off by the police for two years.
- That's why I got it on credit.
In another year, all I do is put up five shillings
for a license, and I'm in business.
But I can't wait
another day.
One more year
living with that -
I've got to get away from him, Harry.
I must get away before I -
That's what the money's for-
the license.
And you're the only man I know
who can get it.
You're gonna bribe,
steal, murder-
I don't care what you do,
but you're gonna get me a license for my club now.
- But if Phil gives me the 200,
it's got to be for wrestling.
- That's right.
But you'll just go through the motions
till we're ready to open the club.
- But Phil's no easy mark.
- I know. I'm gonna give you -
You're crazy, Helen.
You don't know what I've got.
I've got Gregorious! A shield!
I've got Kristo stopped cold!
I can control wrestling
in London!
I'm through hustling for nightclubs,
for you or for anybody else.
For yourself!
What do you think Phil takes in an evening?