You ought to notify
the immigration authorities immediately.
- Get rid of him.
- All right. Let's go.
- Keep going, Scott.
- Mobile, Tampa, and other gulf ports
have no record of him.
- Anything else?
- Uh, let's see. The F.B.I. Has no record on him.
Our lab found traces of fish,
rust-resistant paint, and salt in his clothes.
- The fish traces could be shrimp.
- It's certainly positive he came in off a boat...
Unless he walked through a fish market,
bought four pounds of shrimp...
and brushed against
a freshly painted fire escape.
I suppose those are all
the photographs we have?
Those are the only ones, sir.
The emergency shifts are coming in now, sir.
- Okay.
- Oh, Captain...
the, uh... the boys are sort of wondering
why they have to take these shots.
They've been wondering, have they?
Where do they think they are... in a summer camp?
- Because the commissioner said so, that's why.
- That's what I told 'em.
What's the matter? They afraid of
a little needle? They been wondering.
- Roll up your sleeve.
- What do you mean?
What do you think you're gonna do?
- Roll up your sleeve.
- Why should I take one of those things?
Because the commissioner said so.
And I told the commissioner.
Roll it up.
- Anything funny, Scott?
- No, sir. No, sir.
Oh, brother.
This I've gotta see.
What's the matter?
You guys ain't got enough work to do?
- Yes, sir, Captain.
- Well, get on it!
- How about that?
- You can't say you're not getting action.
There's half the two-bit criminals in town.
More of them coming through.
I wish you sounded more confident
of getting information.
Information? We'll get plenty of it...
about pickpockets, sneak-thieves, wife-beaters.
But about your murderer?
Not a chance.
If it isn't gonna work,
what are you doing it for?
I'm doing it because
the commissioner told me to.
And I'm doing it this way
because it's the only way you let me.
But why I'm doing it,
I don't know.
- How can I make you believe...
- Believe it? Why shouldn't I believe you, Doctor?
You're a smart fellow.
A college man.