Panic in the Streets

- No, wait!
- Let him go!

- No, I won't!
- Get out of here!

You told me yourself, Charlie, that the man
was sick when you brought him here.

- Why, you stupid little fool.
- Take it easy.

Charlie, please. He's a doctor.
He ought to know what he's doing.

This is 50 dollars.
This is anti-plague serum.

Now, roll up your sleeve and start talking.
Hold this, will you?

I got him off a tramp
out in the gulf.

I don't know his name,
and I know nothing about him.

- I swung the whole deal with one of the mates.
- What ship?

- I don't know.
- You know!

- It was night. I couldn't see.
- What ship?

- Give him the shot, Doc, please.
- What's the name of that ship?

- I said I don't know.
- This is the only hypodermic I've got,
and it breaks very easily.

Now, start talking,
or you're gonna get into trouble.

- Charlie...
- All right.

- It was the Nile Queen.
- Are you sure?

- Yeah, I'm sure.
- All right. Hold still. Roll up your sleeve.

Now, hold still.
Bring 'em aboard.
I'm going to finish my breakfast.

Aye, aye, sir.
Couldn't he have been aboard
without your knowledge, Captain?

No, he couldn't.
This is a waste of your time and mine.

The sooner you go over the side,
the sooner I can get underway again.

- Pass the word to the engine room
to stand by to get underway.
- Have any luck?

- Nothing. He told me nothing.
- Did he tell you anything?

Let's go, You've cost me two hours' delay
already with this heaving-to.

The man I spoke to was positive
the ship was the Nile Queen.

For the last time, I'm telling you...
I never saw the man in my life.

Anyone who says he was smuggled in
off my ship is a liar.

A man exposed to
pneumonic plague doesn't lie.

- I say he did.
- All right, Captain.

- Is he gonna call me a liar too?
- I'm calling you a fool!

Okay, I'll get off your ship...
but if that man
was aboard, you...
