I'm sick.
Don't feel so good.
You felt good enough to stay out last night
and run me all over town.
You gave him a little bit of trouble,
huh, Poldi?
- Who's this?
- My kid brother, Vincent.
- Let's lose him.
- I told you, I don't feel good.
I need somebody with me.
- We're with you, Poldi. Blow out of here, kid.
- Who asked you, Curly?
- Hit the road before I...
- Don't be objectionable, Fitch.
- Nice to know you, Vince.
- Thanks, Blackie.
- You want to do Blackie a favor, kid?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Get me a scratch sheet. Maybe I got something
I can put a couple of bucks on for you.
Thanks, Blackie.
You don't feel good,
huh, Poldi?
I got a pretty good doctor.
Maybe he can take a look at you.
I'll be all right.
I'm just sort of cold in my head.
- I ought to be in bed.
- Aw!
- "Aw" what?
- Aw, you're always bellyaching, that's what.
- Nobody asked you.
- Leave him alone, Fitch.
Maybe he's got a touch
of swamp fever or something.
Look, Poldi, I wouldn't have had him bother you.
I wanted to ask...
About Kochak? I never should have
brung him that night. I'm sorry, Blackie...
- But you got your dough and everything, so...
- I wasn't thinking about him.
- But now that you bring it up, tell me...
- He was nothing. Honest.
He was nothing... just enough to have
every cop in town looking for him.
They're grabbing every guy in sight,
whether he's got a record or not.
Yeah. They even picked up
the master criminal here.
Why do you suppose
they're doing that, Poldi?
I don't know, Blackie.
It's like I told Fitch... he was a cousin of mine.
- But I don't know nothing else about him.
- Some cousin.
- He might have killed you if I hadn't been there.
- Yeah, a fine cousin.
I thank you, Blackie,
but he didn't bring nothing into the country.
- I mean... He was...
- What made you say that, Poldi?
I don't know, Blackie.
I just thought that...
maybe the cops
or maybe you thought that...
I got to get out of here
and get some water.
Sit down, Poldi.
Here's some water.
What made you say that?
I don't know, Blackie.
I just thought that you figured that...
- Why would I figure that?
- I don't know. But there was nothing.
Nothing at all.
- Can't you believe me?
- Why should he?
Don't talk like that, Fitch.
All Poldi said was he didn't bring nothing in.
Poldi ought to know.
The guy was his cousin.