-GentIemen, congratuIations.
-Thank you, sir.
Indian scouts... Yate.
When you"re dismissed, you wiII waIk
your horses for haIf an hour.
Then water and picket them.
The SettIer"s store wiII remain open
untiI tweIve o"cIock.
-Let them have some beer.
-We thank you, CoroneI.
That"s a fine idea.
Officers, post!
Prepare to dismount!
By the Ieft, parade out!
-Good evening.
-Good evening, sir.
Good evening, sir.
Have a cup of your own coffee, York?
I"ve been thinking of nothing eIse
for the Iast two hours.
-Tough, huh?
-Tough, sir.
I haven"t had a cup of coffee
with you...
since we rode down
the Shenandoah together.
Fifteen years ago, wasn"t it?
Fifteen years, two months
and seven days.
How did you fare on patroI?
Had a running fight
for thirty-odd miIes.
We captured Natches, their chief,
eight others...
before the Apaches reached the Rio
Grande and crossed into Mexico.