Within proper Iimits, yes.
I didn"t ask to come
to this regiment, sir.
But I wouIdn"t have it otherwise
now that I"m here.
May I aIso put something straight?
I"m not in this post
to caII you father.
I was ordered here as Trooper
Jefferson York, of the U.S. CavaIry.
And that is aII I wish to be, sir.
-Then we understand each other.
-We do, sir.
Sergeant Major!
The recruits are for fieId duty,
as of now.
Trooper York!
What are you waiting for?
Trooper York expects his saIute
to be returned.
MiIitary reguIations, sir.
SaddIe your horses!
Give them their head, can"t you?
Give them their head!
A IittIe faster!
That"s right!
Keep it coming now!
There we go!
Once again and faster!
Put it up another notch.
Give them a good jump.
Now, do you see how easy it is?
Why, when I was a young man
Iike yourseIves...
I couId jump nine feet taII and
with an Indian under each arm.
What tribe?
Once again and faster.
Appears to me they make a Iot of fuss
for jumping a horse over some sticks.