I suppose I"m under arrest for being
out of bounds, as you caII it.
No, but we can"t have
the CoroneI"s Iady fainting...
every time there"s a IittIe shooting.
I"II take them.
Thank you.
CoIumn of twos, Captain.
Ride by twos. Trot!
Singers, give us a tune.
We'd better get along on our way,
old gal.
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.
'Cause you bet your life
l'd never part with Sal.
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.
Long bridge, everybody down.
Low bridge
for we're coming to a town.
And you'all always know your neighbour
and you'all always know your pal.
if you've ever navigated
on the Erie Canal.
Water, Sandy.