Singers, sing out.
make you forget your thirst.
Yellow stripes on breeches blue,
riding only forwards.
Just so we can ride behind
and gaily sing this chorus.
Oh, brand and burn and mark his hide
and ride him every day.
Kiss your girl and leave her there
and hope she's going to stay.
Hope she's going to stay.
Doctor darIing,
I"ve got spots in front of me eyes...
and me heart is paIpitating and I...
-Sitting on it.
-Thank you, Doctor.
-I feeI better now.
-It"II kiII you or cure you.
Doctor, with your fine education,
wouId you be teIIing me something?
-What is an arsonist?
An arsonist is a person
that sets buiIdings on fire...
for profit
or perverse excitement.
Is that what it is?
It aII started when we rode down
the Shenandoah vaIIey, Doctor.
Every trooper of GeneraI Sheridan"s
command during the Iate war.
It was me cursed Iuck...
to be ordered to burn the crops
and the barns at BridesdaIe.