I wouId gIadIy pIace myseIf and my men
under your command, Lieutenant...
if you wouId invite us
to join you in pursuit.
UnfortunateIy, Sr. CoroneI,
my orders are firm.
I must, above aII,
protect the Rio Bravo.
With three men, sir?
That"s courage.
And my orders are firm aIso.
I must stay on the Rio Grande side.
My compIements to your fideIity
to duty, sir.
I"m eternaIIy in your debt,
Sr. CoroneI.
Bueno, vámonos.
Wait, l know she will.
l can see her still.
With longing in her eyes
when day is done.
My girl is purple...
waiting there.
And l know deep inside me...
she is fairest of the fair.
So if my longings wrings my heart...
and tears get in my eyes...