Five minutes after it was taken
I was back in my own room
I dined, bathed and
went to bed
That's the entire story
If you refuse
to print an apology
I'll sue for damages
Isn't it odd, though?
Only Aoye has any complaints
Miyako Saijo has any complaints
Evidently women are more honest
when I it comes to Love
Stop it, Mother!
I'm sorry
My own mother suspects me
She believes that smut
rather then her daughter
I Know you hate gossip
I wanted to protest...
Enough ! You're too naive
All you can do is put up with it
Fight against villains like that?
What could you do?
The way I see it
The only reason they're brave
Is their victims have been cowards
That's what encourages the bums
Remember, we no longer Live in caves
We Live in a modern society
So what do you intend to do?
I'll sue them
It's crazy!
I'd never do that
It'll mean more publicity
It'll show people what they really are