It's an easy job
Don't worry!
Just give me a cut on any sales I make
It's almost Christmas
I need money to buy gifts
They won't buy
If they won't, too bad
I'll take that mountain scene
instead of money
Not that one
I'm rather fond of that picture
It's not for sale
fond memories, perhaps?
It's true! I can read it in your eyes
Quit stuffing yourself
Any minute you'll start eating
the plate too
By the way, how's the lawsuit?
It's coming
You gave the case to that
crackpot lawyer?
Just remember
I wouldn't pay him a retainer
I won't. Just 5, yen for transportation
I give up! What made you do it?
Well, he needs the money
A sick daughter - I told you about her
She's a sweet kid
One of God's own children
Pure as the stars
I'd better visit her
Since when is she handling the case?
Her dad can't be so bad
You've heard of Henry Ford?
I'm sure you have: the Auto King
He, was a great man. When a journalist
Called him mentally retarded