To you, it could mean bankrupt, toy
The law protects the innocent
Your ruining people is
Vile and unpardonable
May I study it?
He'll sue to regain his honor
or for damages, huh?
If she doesn't sue, he's out of luck
How can he do it alone?
Very easily
Listen well. It's part of our strategy
Her testimony
is the key to this case
As a plaintiff
she couldn't testify on her own behalf
There in lies
my strategy
When Miyako Saijo
slowly takes the witness stand
Fighting her tears...
How could any judge not
be moved by it?
Hey, Asai! Call Kataoka's law office
Have him drop in here
Oh, you know Dr. Kataoka, do you?
He's our legal adviser
A lot of people try to shake us down
by threatening to sue
In court we'll really shine with this one