Stage Fright

Madam, madam.
- What?
- Madam, there's a man.

- He's gone up to your dressing room.
- What are you talking about? What man?

I saw him. Don't go up there.
It's dangerous.

You're an imbecile.
You needn't come up.
I'll manage to change myself.
I know, Jonnie, darling,
but what a terrible risk you've taken.

- I couldn't keep away.
- You haven't told me where you've been.

Some friends looked after me.
- What friends?
- Never mind that just now.

We've got to work out
a plan of campaign.

- Everything is going on beautifully.
- We've got to get a story...

...and we'll both have to stick to it.
- I must change.

You shouldn't have come here, Jonnie.
You have been so wonderful up to now.

Don't think that I'm ungrateful.
I'm not. Truly, I'm not.

- I don't know how I shall ever repay you.
- Repay me?

You talk as though this were a favor.
Something that a "thank you"
can take care of.

Dearest, you mustn't be foolish.
You must go away at once. Back to...

...where you were hiding.
Freddie's going to get you
out of the country soon.

And I'll come to see you,
when the run of the show's over.

Why, that may be months,
maybe a year, or more.

Well, you know how it is. We were
playing to capacity before this happened.

Now they're hanging on to the chandeliers.
Fifty pounds up tonight.
Goodness knows how they squeeze them in.
Yes. I could only get standing room.
Well, there you are.
