December 2 1.
Sagittarius. I like Sagittarians.
You can trust them.
- Thank you.
- I want you to do this work.
I'm busy. I just finished a script,
and I'm doing another assignment.
I don't care.
You know, I'm pretty expensive.
I get 500 a week.
I wouldn't worry about money.
I'll make it worth your while.
Maybe I'd better take the rest
of the script home and read it.
I couldn't let it out of my house.
You'll have to finish it here.
Well, it's getting kind of late.
- Are you married, Mr.--
- Name is Gillis. Single.
Where do you live?
Alto Nido Apartments.
There's something wrong
with your car, you said.
There sure is.
- Why shouldn't you stay here?
- I'll come back early tomorrow.
There's a room over the garage.
Max will take you there.
I felt kind of pleased with the way
I'd handled the situation.
I dropped the hook,
and she snapped at it.
My car would be safe below while
I did a patch-up job on the script.
And there should be
plenty of money in it.
This room hasn't been used
for a long time.
It'll never make House Beautiful,
but I guess it's okay for one night.
I made your bed this afternoon.
Thanks. How did you know I was
gonna stay this afternoon?
The bathroom's over there. I put in
some towels, soap and a toothbrush.
Say, she's quite a character,
that Norma Desmond.
She was the greatest of them all.
You wouldn't know. You're too young.
In one week she received
1 7,000 fan letters.
Men bribed her hairdresser
to get a lock of her hair.