Where the Sidewalk Ends

Friedman and Lyon, 525 Eighth Avenue.
Very nice. But too high-style
for my customers.

- Maybe we could make a bolero, Oleg.
- I'll sketch it.

Mmm, I'm not sure. I'll let you know
when I send the order in.

Thank you, Morgan.
It's OK with me. We have more orders
than we can fill on this number.

- Did they notice it?
- I don't think so.

Come here,
let me see it in the light.

Still shows a little.
I'll put some more pancake on it.
You know, Morgan,
it's your own fault. Hold that.

You keep thinking of him
as a glamour boy.

You won't see him for what he is,
which is definitely a jerk.

So he won the war
and freed the slaves!

Does that entitle him to spend
his life drinking barrels of whisky

and punching girls on the nose?
Don't worry.
I'm not going to see him any more.

You said that before.
He rolls his alcoholic eyes at you

and you set yourself up
for another left hook.

You can't help him, Morgan.
- I guess you're right.
- Someone to see you, Miss Taylor.

- Who?
- Oh, tell him to drop dead.

It's important, Mr Friedman said
to come to the office right away.

Miss Taylor,
this is Mr Dixon and Mr Klein.

They are police detectives.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Sit down, please, Miss Taylor.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
What would you like to know?
You were with Kenneth Paine
last night?

You were at a so-called
floating crap game

in the apartment
of a man named Scalise

at the 43rd Street Hotel. Correct?
Have you been in touch
with Paine this morning?

Have you any idea where he might be?
No, I haven't.
From what we hear, you're
pretty well acquainted with Paine.
