Seems we're on the wrong man,
especially if the congressman
backs him up.
It's not the wrong man.
If Paine was already dead at 2.15
and Taylor got the body at that time,
stuck it in the back of his car...
Well, that's screwy!
I told you I picked up
Congressman Reynolds.
Sure you did. But you were on the way
to dump Paine's body
when Reynolds hailed you.
He took him to the hotel. 20 minutes
was enough to scoot back to the pier,
slug the watchman at 3am
and drop Paine's body.
Paine was out of here at 1.10
according to the old lady downstairs.
We're wasting time, Lieutenant.
I don't think so, Dixon.
Bring them along.
Did you see anybody
coming out of that building
carrying something over
his shoulder, like a large bundle?
- I didn't see anything like that.
- I'll take over, Casey.
- Says she didn't notice anyone...
- Never mind.
I'm going to ask you a very important
question, Mrs Tribaum.
Are you sure it was Kenneth Paine
you saw leaving this house at 1.10?
Of course I'm sure. I never heard
so many foolish questions.
I'm going to try a little experiment,
Mrs Tribaum.
Taylor! I want you to put on
this raincoat and hat.
What for?
Put tape under his eye, somebody,
to match Paine's description.
Oh, no, wait a second.
What's all this for?
Now, don't act dumb, Taylor,
it won't get you anywhere.
Last night you put on
Paine's coat and hat
and carried his bag out of here
at 1.10
after you'd killed him
and stuck his body away somewhere.
You wanna come clean now, Jiggs?
- Oh, I told you the truth.
- Then put the coat on.
Don't do it, Dad. They have no right
to ask you to do that.
No, I won't. I ain't goin' in
for any of these monkey shines.
All right. Dixon, you're about
his build: Put the hat and coat on.