Young Man with a Horn

Well, look at this.
- How about that.
- Hey, fellas.

Let's take a breather for a few.
What are you doing, boy?

- What do you want?
- Excuse me.

I was just listening to the music.
- Well, do you like the way we play?
- Oh, sure.

- Kind of late for you to be out, isn't it?
- No school tomorrow.

Well, you'd better come on in
if you wanna hear some music.

- Thanks.
- Will you join us in a small collation?

- A ham sandwich, perhaps, Mr...
- Martin. No, thanks.

Oh, but you gotta.
You can't listen to music
on an empty stomach.

You sure your folks won't care?
I don't have any real folks.
My sister wouldn't know
if I came in or not.

Oh, I see.
Gentlemen, this is Mr. Martin.
He says he likes our music.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Hi.

- Mr. Martin, what would you like to hear?
- Would you wanna play...?

I don't know what you'd call it,
but it goes like this:

You know, where you start off, and then
the clarinet comes in, and then the others.

- But you finish alone.
- That's "Moanin' Low."

But how do you know
who comes in where?

I can hardly remember myself most times.
You a musician, Mr. Martin?
Oh, I kind of play the piano a little.
Piano player, huh?
Yes, but what I really wanna learn
is the trumpet, like you.

You hear that? Mr. Martin knows talent
when he hears it.

What are we waiting for?
"Moanin' Low."

Have a chair, Mr. Martin. Sit down.
Thank you, Mr. Hazzard.
