Thank you, Mr. Martin.
- Take care of yourself.
- I will.
Finally, he got his first good job.
And that was when I met him.
I've never seen such an intense...
... searching expression on anybody else.
Even then, he looked like a guy
very few people would understand.
- Better get your skates sharpened.
- Yeah.
- Here, let me help you with that thing.
- Thanks.
Thanks a lot.
- What kind of hotel towels you got in here?
- Oh, that's my record collection.
Mostly Art Hazzard.
I got just about every one
he made, I guess.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Taught me how to play.
- Is that so?
Oh, my name's Martin. Rick Martin.
I'm Willie Willoughby.
They call me Smoke.
Never could figure out why.
Me neither.