Young Man with a Horn

Well, it's awful good company.
Whatever you tell it to do, it does.
Only better than you told it.

Never lets you down.
You're kind of sold on it, aren't you?
You gotta be sold, or you got no business
playing the kind of music I wanna play.

You gotta love it.
Can't just like it and understand it the way
the longhaired boys understand their music.

You can't write it down and keep it.
There aren't any notes.

You can only hear it right while
you're playing it...

...and you feel it.
Someday, when I'm really good...
...I wanna do things with this trumpet
nobody's ever thought of.

I'm gonna hit a note
that nobody ever heard before.

You've got to have some other interest,
or you'll go off your rocker. I know.

You need a hobby, like collecting stamps,
or a dog or...

How about a girl?
Don't pick on me, Rick.
You're a married man.

You're married to that trumpet.
I certainly wouldn't wanna
come between it.

Well, I guess you wanna get
to Chandler's party.

I think I'd rather breathe some fresh air.
Chandler wouldn't like this, would he?
No. I guess he wouldn't.
- Hey, Smoke, take over the rest of the set.
- Lf you say so, boss.

What do you say we grab a quick drink?
- No, thanks.
- You trying to brush me off?

- No.
- I never see you, except when we work.

- It's just that I've been busy lately.
- I know, with that trumpet player.

Why do you have to say things like that?
Hey, Smoke.
How about playing something our way?

- You're kidding.
- Oh, come on.
