A Place in the Sun

Hello, you.
- I've missed you so!
- Me, too. I can't tell you how much.

I've wonderful news.
I had to drive down to tell you.
Mother and Dad want you to spend
your vacation with us up at the lake.

- You'll come, won't you?
- I don't think I can.

George, no! This is my one chance
to show you off to Mother and Dad.

Take my word for it, I've got to!
I promised my uncle
I'd spend some time with him.

That's perfect! Your aunt and uncle
are both coming up on 3rd September.

That's when you're coming.
Darling, I love you so much,
so very much.

Just think of it.
We'll go swimming together,
lie in the sun together,

go horseback riding
through the pine woods.

I'll make breakfast for you every
morning, and you can sleep late.

I'll bring it in to you in your room.
- And you love me.
- Yes.
