Come on! It's freezing!
It's just like ice!
Hurry up!
I've never been so cold in my life!
- Aren't you going in?
- Sure.
George, put me down!
- It happens every single time!
- What does?
I freeze to death.
It's the coldest lake ever!
- What did you go in for, then?
- 'Cause it's my lake.
- Yours?
- Uh-huh.
I found this trail when I was 14.
Nobody lives here,
not on this part of it.
It's in two parts
with a little channel in between.
There's a crumbly old lodge down at
the end and some crumbly old boats.
Come closer.
- What do they call this lake?
- Loon Lake. It's nice now.
But sometimes it's weird,
especially at sundown.
I've never been able to feel
the same about it since the drowning.
- What drowning?
- A man and a girl last summer.
Nobody knows what happened. It was
five days before they found the girl.
- And the man?
- They never found him.
- What was that?
- A loon.