- We ought to get back. It's dark.
- That old man'll think we drowned!
Let's drift for a while. I'm not
afraid of the dark. It's so nice.
I'll tell you what I wished.
I wished that you loved me again.
You'll see, we'll make a go of it
if we give ourselves the chance.
We'll go where nobody knows us.
We'll get jobs, maybe together.
We'll do things together and go out
together, like any married couple.
After a while, you'll settle down
and be content with what you've got,
instead of working yourself up
over things.
It's the little things in life
that count.
We'll have to scrimp and save,
but we'll have each other.
- I'm not afraid of being poor.
- Stop it, Al!
- Why? What's the matter?
- Just stop it!
What did you think of
when you saw the star?
You wished that you weren't here
with me, didn't you?
You wished I was where
you'd never have to see me again.
Maybe you wished that I was dead.
Do you wish that I was dead?
No, I didn't! Just leave me alone.