Sit down, will you?
I thought that you and I might
have a chat before dinner.
- Care for a drink?
- Please.
I'm gonna make it a double. I'm gonna
be a little bit personal, George.
It's about you and Angela and
this talk about your getting married.
I don't know whether
I'm for you or against you.
- I don't know you well enough.
- I know how you feel, Mr Vickers.
Who am I to think of marrying Angela?
Angela has everything.
Talk of marriage aside, we know
almost nothing about your background.
There's not much to know. What there
is, I've wanted to tell you myself.
My family is...
We were very poor people.
My family devoted their lives
to a kind of religious work.
Conducting sidewalk services,
street singing.
I was part of all that,
until the law came along and said
I ought to go to school.
I only went to school
till I was 13 years old.
We didn't ever have any money
for anything, so I left home.
I was gonna do something about it.
I took any job.
Busboy, elevator operator, caddie.
I had no training, no education.
Then I came here,
went to work for my uncle.