The people of this state charge
that murder in the first degree
has been committed by the prisoner
at the bar, George Eastman.
They charge that George Eastman
wilfully, and with malice
and cruelty and deception,
then sought to conceal from justice
the body of Alice Tripp.
It will be for you,
ladies and gentlemen,
to decide what shall be done
with this man,
who has flouted every moral law,
broken every commandment...
...who has crowned his infamy
with murder.
- What were Alice's feelings for him?
- Everybody knew she was in love.
What was this rule exactly?
It was to keep the foreman and staff
from fooling around with the girls.
One night last August,
I called Alice to the telephone.
It was him calling.
Doctor, you never saw
this young man?
No, but after she left my office,