Answer me!
When you told them all that night
you were going to visit your mother,
you were lying, weren't you?
When you gave the boat keeper
a false name, you were lying again?
When you drove up to Loon Lake,
what reason did you give Alice Tripp
for parking so far away
from the lodge?
- We were out of gas.
- Weren't you lying again?
- Yes.
- Lies!
Every move you made
was built on lies.
Yet now you're facing death, you
can't tell anything but the truth!
All the same, it's true!
I didn't kill her.
So you persist in lying
about that, too. We'll see.
Step down into the boat
and show the jury what happened
when the boat overturned.
Take the same position you had
at the time of the drowning.
When the girl rose in the boat
to come towards you,
did she stumble about there?
- Speak up.
- Yes.
And then?
She fell sideways into the water.
- Then what?
- The boat turned over on top of us.
- What happened then?
- I couldn't see very clearly.
There was a thud,
as if the edge of the boat hit her.
Very likely!
After this accidental blow, how far
apart were you when you came up?