- My boy.
- Did you see the governor?
It's no use.
The governor couldn't be moved.
Your mother's done everything
a mother could do. That I know.
Death is a little thing.
You mustn't be afraid of it.
You must fear now
only for your immortal soul.
If that sin is on your soul, my son,
you must make your peace with God.
I don't believe
I'm guilty of all this.
They don't know. I wish I knew!
If you are guilty, then I am guilty.
I must share your guilt.
Mama, don't blame yourself.
They say only God and ourselves
know what our sins and sorrows are.
Perhaps in this case, only God knows.
George, perhaps you've hidden
the full truth even from yourself.
I don't wanna hide anything.
I wanna know.
There's one thing you've never told
anyone, even yourself.
There's one point in your story that
holds the answer you're looking for.
When you were on the lake with that
poor girl, and the boat capsized...
...and there was a moment
when you might have saved her.
I wanted to save her.
But I just couldn't.
Whom were you thinking of?
Whom were you thinking of
just at that moment?
Were you thinking of Alice?
Were you thinking of the other girl?