Alice in Wonderland

But in my world,
the books will be
nothing but pictures.

Your world?
What nonsense.

That's it, Dinah!
If l had
a world of my own,

would be nonsense.

Nothing would
be what it is.

Everything would
be what it isn't.

What it is,
it wouldn't be,

and what it wouldn't be,
it would.

- You see?
- Meow.

In my world,
you wouldn't say "meow."

You'd say,
"Yes, Miss Alice."

But you would.
You'd be
just like people.

And all the other
animals, too.

And all the other
animals, too.

In my world...
Cats and rabbits
Would reside
in fancy little houses

And be dressed in shoes
and hats and trousers

ln a world
of my own

All the flowers
Would have very
extra-special powers

They would sit
and talk to me for hours

When I'm lonely
ln a world
of my own

There'd be new birds
Lots of nice
and friendly

How-de-do birds
Everyone would have
a dozen blue birds

Within that world
of my own

I could listen
To a babbling brook
And hear a song
that I could understand

I keep wishing
It could be that way
Because my world
would be

A wonderland
