Backward, forward,
outward, inward
Bottom to the top
Never a beginning
There can never
be a stop
To skipping,
hopping, tripping
Fancy free and gay
I started it tomorrow,
but will finish yesterday
Round and round
and round we go
Until forever more
Once we were behind,
but now we find we are
Forward, backward,
inward, outward
Come and join
the chase
Nothing could be drier
than ajolly caucus race
I say, you'll never
get dry that way.
Get dry?
You have to run
with the others.
But how can l--
Have you dry
in no time.
No one can get dry
this way.
I'm dry already.
Yes, but--
All right, chaps,
Iook lively!
The white rabbit.
Mr. Rabbit!
Mr. Rabbit!
My goodness.
I'm late! I'm late!
I'll be back.
I'm late,
I'm late, I'm late!
Stop kicking
that mackerel.
Mr. Rabbit!
Oh, Mr. Rabbit!
Oh, dear.
I'm sure he came
this way.
Could he be hiding?
Not here.
I wonder...
No. I suppose
he must have--
Why, what peculiar
little figures.
Tweedle Dee
and Tweedle Dum.
If you think we're waxworks,
you ought to pay.
If you think we're alive,
you ought to speak to us.