Water's coming through the ceiling?
That's a civil action, lady. Call a lawyer.
There's a mouthpiece
by the name of Sims outside.
- Karl Schneider is his client.
- Schneider? Tell him to see McLeod.
- He asked to see you.
- All right, send him in.
Come in, please.
He's in back.
I'm sorry, Lieutenant,
I'll wait here in your office.
It's okay. What about Schneider,
Counselor? Where is he?
He's ready to surrender himself
to your personal custody.
My custody? He's McLeod's squeal.
Each man handles his own case
around here.
I don't want my client to have
any contact with Detective McLeod.
Because I don't want any rubber hose
used on him.
Counselor, how long have you been
practicing law?
We don't assault our prisoners.
My client is not frightened of McLeod
for nothing.
What frightens your client
is McLeod's record for convictions.
He never gives up on a case.
That's what frightens your client.
When can I see McLeod?
He's due any time now.
You can wait in my office.
Thank you.
- So?
- So what?
So, what happens to me now?
You wait here till night court opens.
9:00. Have you got a lawyer?
- My brother-in-law's a lawyer.
- You're allowed three calls. Call him.
Gee, I hate to, because he's a kind of
a new brother-in-law...
and if my sister finds out, she'll die...
She's in the fourth month, too.
Suit yourself.
The court will appoint you one.
- Gee, I don't know what to do.
- Sit down.
When McLeod gets here,
tell him I want to see him.
Yes, sir.