You really make the rounds.
The hot-spot kid.
- Where'd you spend last night?
- In my room.
I was there.
Where were you, under the bed?
- I sat in the park.
- All night?
- Yes.
- It rained.
- So it rained. I didn't notice.
- Sit down. Roll up your sleeves.
Any identifying marks? Any scars?
J-O-Y. Who's Joy?
- A girl.
- Your girl?
- No.
- Whose girl?
What difference does it make?
I stole the money, I admit it.
Here's Joy again. Joy Carmichael.
Plaza Five...
Why drag her into this?
She doesn't know anything about it.
You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Arthur?
- Why should I lie?
- I don't know. Why should you steal?
Is this Joy Carmichael? Her sister?
Well, you ask Joy to come down to the
21st Precinct Police Station, right away.
Her boyfriend, Arthur Kindred,
has been arrested.
Just have her ask for Detective McLeod.
- Yes, sir.
- Come in here.
Hey, Red...
This is Detective McLeod, Mr. Sims.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- He's an attorney.
- And very clever. I've seen him in court.
He represents Karl Schneider.
I had the pleasure
of arresting your client a year ago.
So I'm informed.
He's changed his lawyer since,
if not his business.
Mr. Schneider is a retired doctor.
He has a farm in New Jersey.
With a little sideline in New York.
A very profitable one.
Where's your boy?
He's ready to surrender himself
on the warrant you had issued.
Fine. Bring him in.
Before I do, I have here some photographs.
Now, these were taken only an hour ago.
Nudes? Ugly, isn't he?
- Well, he's no Mr. America.
- No, that he's not.
Now, you'll observe, there are
no bruises or lacerations of any kind.
This is the way
I'm delivering my client to you...
and this the way I want him back.