I should think that any change
whatsoever would be an improvement.
And I want you to know,
I'm not going to allow you...
to violate his constitutional rights.
You're not to abuse him physically...
nor degrade his dignity
as a human being. Do you understand?
I saw one of your client's patients last
year, in the morgue, on a marble slab.
Wasn't much human left of her,
and very little dignity.
My client was innocent of that charge.
The court acquitted him.
Insufficient evidence. But he was guilty.
What are you going to do,
try the case here? Save it for the judge.
For over a year, McLeod, you,
personally, have been making...
my client's life a living nightmare. Why?
Because I'm annoyed by criminals that
get away with murder. They upset me.
- That's your story.
- Yeah.
I've investigated and discovered otherwise.
- What are you driving at, Sims?
- What?
Nothing, yet.
I vouch for every man on my squad,
and that goes for McLeod.
If you've got something to say, say it.
When it serves my purpose, not before.
Meanwhile, Lieutenant, I'm warning you:
Not a hand on my client.
What's he driving at?
- A fishing expedition.
- Not without bait.
He hinted you're after Schneider
for personal reasons.
The Anderson girl is lying in the hospital.
Last year, a girl who trusted him died
when her baby was born.
What happened to her baby,
and lots of others, nobody knows.
That's why I take a personal interest
in Schneider.
This is an impersonal business, McLeod.
- How many times...
- He's a butcher and a murderer.
You ought to visit his farm.
Especially the kitchen.
It looks like a place
where they slaughter chickens.
Your moral indignation is beginning
to give me a quick pain in the neck.
I don't like lawyers
coming in here with photos.
It marks my squad lousy. I don't like it,
and I won't have it. You understand?
Yes, sir.
Can't you say, "Yes, sir"
without making it sound like an insult?
Yes, sir.
You're getting too superior, McLeod.
A one-man army against crime.
What's eating you?
I hate criminals.
I don't believe in coddling them.
- Who tells you to?
- You do, the whole system does.
What do you want to do,
put Schneider on a rack?
No. I want to put him in the electric chair...
where he belongs,
and pull the switch myself.
Sometimes, McLeod, you talk like a maniac.
You want to be judge and jury, too?
Well, you can't do it!