- Any idea who did it?
- Give me a cigarette, will you?
I hope you got a list of what's missing.
Yes, it would help.
Well, you get it down here right away
so we can get started on it. Yes, ma'am.
Yes, sir? What can I do for you?
Somebody picked my pocket.
Stole my wallet.
- Yeah?
- Look, they cut it right out.
I know, with a razor blade.
Did you see the man?
No. First thing I knew,
I was in a restaurant.
I ate a big meal, reached in my pocket
to pay the check...
boy, I almost dropped dead.
My best pants, too.
What's your name, please?
Gallantz, D. David.
Here, I'll give you my card.
The Lieutenant's expecting you,
Counselor, go right in.
I'm from Des Moines,
just visiting in New York.
- You ever been to Des Moines?
- No. Where are you staying here?
How dare you take the law
in your own hands?
McLeod, I'm going to press
a felonious assault here.
- So help me, I'll see you in jail.
- On which side of the bars, Counselor?
Cut it out.
Don't think you're entirely free
of blame in this.
You should have taken steps to prevent it.
I warned you, personal motives
were involved in this case.
- What motives?
- Yes, let's get it out in the open.
- What are these motives?
- Shut up. I got the hospital.
Yes, I see.
Well, keep in touch with me.
Let me know right away.
How is he?
They don't know yet. They're making x-rays.
I intend to carry this to the Commissioner.
Go ahead, bring your felony charge.
It'll give me a chance
to get Schneider on the stand...
and really tear his clothes off.
And yours, too, Counselor.
- McLeod. Outside. And stick around.
- Yes, sir.
What kind of an officer is that?
Detectives are like fingerprints,
no two alike. He's got his quirks.
We all got them. He's a good man,
though. He ain't on the take.
I'll stand up for him on that.
Got no tin boxes.
I wasn't saying that he had.
Then what was you saying?
Maybe I fumbled it.
You'll find out
when it serves my client's interests.
Four years ago, I threw my radio
out the window. You know why?
'Cause I hate mysteries!
I'm not free to discuss it with you.
I'd love to discuss it with someone.
Who do you suggest?
- McLeod.
- Counselor...
- Or his wife.
- His wife? What do you mean by that?