- I'm sorry...
- You realize this is all on my own time?
Look at all these forms I had to type up.
And when I get to court,
the judge will probably let you off.
I won't even get a conviction.
Yeah, you caused me all this work
for nothing.
I'm sorry.
- All right, go wash your hands.
- That's a big help.
In there.
Yes. She doesn't answer? You sure?
No, I'll call back later.
Yes, sir?
My name is Pritchett. Albert R. Pritchett.
Come in, Mr. Pritchett.
We've been expecting you.
- Did you get my money back?
- I'm afraid not.
- What did he do with it?
- Women, plush saloons...
Cabarets? I wouldn't have thought it.
He seemed such an honest boy.
- You'll prefer charges?
- Oh, yes.
- We can count on you?
- When I make my mind up, I'm like iron.
- Fine. Thank you, Mr. Pritchett.
- Like iron.
- Arthur. On your feet. Is this the boy?
- Yes, I'm afraid it is.
Excuse me.
Arthur, why did you steal from me?
- Did I treat you badly?
- No, Mr. Pritchett.
- Did I pay you a decent salary?
- Yes.
Then why did you do this to me?
I built up my business
from a hole in the wall.
I worked darned hard for it,
and I want my money back.
- And you'll get it. I promise you.
- Susan.
The bank was closed. All I could scrape
together tonight was $120.
- I'll have the rest tomorrow.
- Take that back.
- Let me alone. Don't interfere...
- Who are you, miss?
I'm Susan Carmichael.
I'm an old friend of Arthur's family.
I'd like to straighten this out
with you, Mister...
- Pritchett. Albert R. Pritchett.
- How do you do, Mr. Pritchett?
How do you do?
You say you're prepared to return
the rest of my money?
Yes, I'll sign a promissory note,
or whatever you say.
Say, where'd you get that cash,
Miss Carmichael?
I had some, and I pawned
some jewelry. Here are the tickets.
- Do you want to see them?
- If you don't mind.
- Anything of your sister's here?
- No.
- Is this the young lady...
- No. She doesn't know anything about it.
I know all there is to know.
Shall I make out a note for the rest?
Wait a minute.
We don't run a collection agency here.