What is this, Lieutenant?
I'm sorry, Mrs. McLeod.
Come, rest a while.
Lying on the sidewalk, huh?
Man or woman? Where, please?
353? 353,
isn't that on the north side of the street?
Well, that's the 16th Precinct. Call them.
Any report on Schneider yet?
No, not yet.
Say, Jim...
I just had a long talk with Mr. Pritchett,
and he's willing to drop the charges.
He is? What's this about, Mr. Pritchett?
- I'd like to give the boy another chance.
- To steal from someone else?
Well, I wouldn't want this
on my conscience.
Suppose he commits a worse crime?
What about your conscience then,
Mr. Pritchett?
I'll gamble. I'm a gambler. I bet on horses.
This once I'll bet on a human being.
You stick to horses.
The percentage is better.
Now, just a minute, Jim.
I advised Mr. Pritchett to do this.
You had no right to do that, Lou.
This is my case. You know better.
I didn't think you'd mind.
- Well, I do.
- Well, I'm sorry.
But you said
that everything would be all right.
I made a mistake. It's his case.
The disposition of it is up to him.
Well, everybody concerned is...
I'm sorry, girlie,
you've got to leave me out of this.
It's his case, take it up with him.
Mr. McLeod, I'm going to
return the money, and if Mr. Pritchett...
Young lady, this isn't a civil case,
this a criminal action.
Jim, take a look at this sheet on Charley.
One second, Mr. Pritchett.
- So you didn't done it, Charley?
- No.
- No, on my mother's grave.
- And you've never been in jail?