"Kayama is now about to marry Taeko.
"In exchange for 600,000 yen.
"But, Kayama is too weak to assert himself.
"Kayama would rather have Ayako,
the younger daughter."
Good morning.
Sleep well?
In the way?
Not really. I was just listening
to Kayama's views on life.
It's Taeko's birthday tomorrow.
You haven't forgotten?
I know, sir.
Very well.
Mr. Tohata and I talked her
into giving an answer at the party.
You'd better be there.
I understand.
Knock first!
Something I shouldn't hear?
Lunch is ready, Mr. Kameda.
"Ayako - headstrong like her mother.
"At times fastidious, at times mean."
What if all this were yours?
Lf, you say?
Would you be happy?
Yes, of course.
It may be yours.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
It's a beautiful sight.