What's the matter?
Why do you look at me like that?
Somehow I just can't believe that you're ill.
I wish I weren't.
I'm funny, right?
It's all right. I don't mind.
People laugh at me.
I'm funny without even trying.
What are you like?
I want to know more about you.
What about before the war?
Rather not?
It's not that so much.
I vividly remember the day I got a reprieve.
Everything before that seems unreal.
Tell me about it, then.
How did you feel
when you were facing certain death?
The world, its people,
everything in it suddenly seemed dear to me
The people in the world?
Each and every person I'd known.
And everyone I'd passed.
And not only the people.
There was a dog I'd stoned as a child.
I wondered why I couldn't have been kinder.
To the dog?
Kinder to everyone.
I thought, "If I were pardoned
and didn't have to die..."
I promised myself
I'd be kinder and nicer to everyone around.