Sing, my lad, to make you glad,
full of joy by day and night.
Laugh and cheer, play on flute,
a happy lad, a pleasant sight.
The song of the brook that purls
along washes the white pebbles.
Sing, my lad, to make you glad,
never sad the livelong day.
Ruddy cheeks, and laugh and joy
are my lot, hey, oh hey!
Come on, Roannie.
Don't be so impatient. You'll
have plenty of time to graze.
Who is it?
Ah, it's you Kekec.
And l thought a sprite was
making a fool of me.
Well, Roannie is gone and the
milk as well.
Uncle, you're not a man to
be trifled with.
What has brought you
to the mountains?
Father has sent me to see
how you're getting along.
All right, all right.
Two merry fellows like us are
bound to have good fun.
Let's go into the hut.
You'll need a good meal.
Come on, come on.