
Each of these flowers has
a miraculous healing power.

But how can you know, uncle,
which flower cures
which disease?

lt was many years ago
when my grandfather was dying.

l was but a little boy then.
He called me to his bedside,

put his hand on my shoulder
and said:

Boy, health is the greatest
fortune in the world.

Then he told me all about the
healing power of each herb

and died. -And you've kept
all this learning in your head?

Up to the last word.

You see, this one is the
devil's cud. This one is arnica.

And these are bearberies.
Good for liver and gall.

This is pickled viper's wood, an
important medicine against fear.

One draught
and you're as cool as cucumber.

''Mother's soul''. Good for sorrow
and suffering of the heart.

Let me see it, uncle.
Mother's soul.
l have no mother.

No mother, no father.
You poor thing,
so you're quite alone.

Quite alone, uncle.
After my mother died,
l left home.

Then l met Bedanec,
who has trapped me.
