
Run as much as you will,
you rabbit.

l'll soon get you out
of your burrow.

You're moaning at last.
You're in good hands now.

l'll teach you a lot of things.
The schooling will be long.

Let me go, uncle Bedanec.
Never again will l throw
fir-cones at your nose.

lt aches as if thousand
ants bit me.

Well, well,
this sounds better.

l could bring myself to free you
if only you listen to
my orders.

Just tell what's on your
mind, uncle.

l'll let you go if you find
the little Kosobrin

and ask him for shelter
in his hut

pretending to have escaped
from me.

Kosobrin will take you through
the hidden passage,

then you will come back here and
show me where the passage is.

But woe to you if you try to
run away. l'd get hold of you,

should you be one hundred
fathhoms under ground !
