Oh, who cares. You keep the statues
and the rest of the rubbish, too.
Come on!
- Beautiful, eh?
- Lovely!
Take it along to the square.
Could you please
hammer this in for me?
Okay. You fix this.
I'd give an arm and a leg
to be as tall as you.
I'm not that tall.
I just look it.
I'd give an arm and a leg.
Come on, I'm not that tall.
What's eight times eight?
See? I'm not that tall.
You only say that 'cos you don't
know what being four feet's like.
There's not a lot of difference
between you and me.
We're both small.
And life is beautiful for us, too.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Ahhh! Blessed youth!
I can hardly move
with this rheumatism!
Me too. All it takes is
the slightest movement... oww, oww!
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Mind your own business!
Poor creature.
Mind your own!
I'll mind mine!
Good Grief!
How beautiful!
Lovely! Gorgeous!
Really well-made!
Leave me alone!
I want nothing to do with anybody!
And no-one's to try
to be friendly with me!
Give it a rest!
Ugly tramps!
Mind your own business!
Especially you!
I'll kill any animal I want!
Do you want
to leave it out or what?