Why? What did you do that for?
I'm bored.
No. Come here. Life's beautiful.
#Lallalalà!# Try it!
You try it!
There you go. See?
Come on, get down!
- #Lallalalà!#
- #Lallalalà.#
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Husband and wife?
- Yes.
A shack for two
at the end on the right.
Are you on your own?
No. I have a husband,
a child and a maid.
Are you on your own?
No, I'm with him.
A shack for two,
down there at the end.
Excuse me, but I'd like
a shack facing the sun.
- Yes.
- The sun shines here.
What do you do?
Giuseppe. I'm Giuseppe.
Families down there
in One Times One Square.
Where that half-built shack is.
- I'm single.
- Single?
Yes, okay, down there
in that shack there....
- Are you on your own?
- Alone.
- Alone?
- Alone. Housewife.
Bachelors over here,
spinsters over there.