Who are all these people?
The poor.
What are they doing here?
You can get rid of them
whenever you want to.
That's what you think.
Nothing easier. If I just stamp
my feet, they'll run off.
Doesn't look that easy
to get rid of them to me.
He says it's not easy
to get rid of them. Good Grief!
Excuse me, sirs, would you like
to warm your hands?
Come here!
Help yourself.
Here we all are together. As you
can see, I'm cold, just like you.
That's because we're all the same.
My nose might be a little smaller
or a little larger than yours,..
..but it's still a nose.
That's the truth of it, my friends.
A nose is a nose.
What's that mean?
What have noses
got to deal with it?
Why should they leave their shacks?
You've got a house, haven't you?
Perhaps two.
Do we have to know one another
or each other's names..